20 April 2010
The Fun Never Ends
19 April 2010
Heading Toward the Finished Look
On a separate note, Barb got back from Boise yesterday after delivering a PowerPoint presentation on the depot restoration to the Idaho Association of Museums annual conference, held at Nampa this year. With about 40 museums represented from around the state, it was clear that preserving depots is a hit with the museum crowd. The focal point for the walking tour was the beautifully restored Nampa depot (red brick depot above). As if that wasn't enough depot immersion, Boise staged its second annual Depot Day, featuring the capital city's attractive depot (white mission style depot above). One of the displays outside the depot was an ATV with rail wheels on it, making the ATV into a high-railer (I can imagine Jim West's mind is moving on this novel idea). The wheel package, called the Bandit, is the brainstorm of Jeff Shiverick (pictured with the ATV) and Steve Davisson of Boise. Jeff promises to get us more info as the product is patented. He says he and Steve came up with the idea when neither of them had the cash to buy a speeder.
Speaking of speeders, the Idaho Association of Museums loves our speeder event and people at the conference enthusiastically cleaned out every handout I brought! Museum director Ginny Woodward of the Boundary County Museum in Bonners Ferry stopped by on her way back from the museum conference to tour the depot with Jack. With that kind of interest, we hope to see Ginny back for a speeder ride July 10 (Ginny, if you're reading the blog, I'll buy your ticket!).
06 April 2010
Modern Amenities!
04 April 2010
A Day of Rest
01 April 2010
Bus On Time--and that's no April Fools!
Agency Supervisor Charlie Neill was on hand to monitor progress on the maiden voyage this morning, and driver Barry Coe (pictured above) took time to pose for a photo, although he was watching his clock so he wouldn't be off schedule. These guys are sharp--and fun. The bus rides should be great.
Check with US Bank for times and prices. The bus schedule and fares will also be posted at the depot soon. Check the company websites at www.northwesterntrailways.com or www.appleline.us for further info.